Anti-slip soft quick dry custom bathroom microfiber rug

Anti-slip soft quick dry custom bathroom microfiber rug Front:microfiber with printed or woven colorful design Backing:non slip TPR Bath mat size:50x80cm etc Contour mat size:45x50cm,50x50cm etc This rug absorbs surface water stains quickly so puddles don't remain on the mat. Effectively prevent water from seeping into the floor and keep the floor clean and dry. Friendly,ultra soft,wearable,antibacterial,non-slip backing,super absorbent,machine washable,provide customized design,size and shape

Products Details

Our bathroom microfiber rug TPR backing makes this rug completely non-slip and durable, providing protection for your family while in use. Do not place mat on wet surfaces. Make sure the floor under the rug is dry to prevent the rug from slipping.Complete production process: fabric, cutting, sewing, inspect, packaging,warehouse.


Rectangle and U shape


Plain pattern,plain with woven design and printed pattern


Bath room


Friendly,Ultra soft,Wearable,Antibacterial,Non-slip backing,Super absorbent,Machine washable

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